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    Chad and Tracy began working together as business partners more than 15 years ago. Both are attorneys by trade and lead a law firm, Cowdell & Woolley PC, of nine attorneys and a dozen support staff. Their specialty is in providing attorney services for municipalities and local government, and they are the appointed City Attorneys for the Utah cities of Taylorsville and Ephraim, and the County Attorney for Daggett County. As such, Tracy and Chad have extensive experience relating to development agreements, zoning, RDAs, land use and planning, environmental law, redevelopment, general plans, real estate, bonding, open meetings laws, and other experience related to representing elected and appointed officials.

    Kim and Tracy have worked together for almost 10 years. As founding board members, they created Canyons School District, which is the first school district to be formed in Utah in 100 years. They built the district from scratch, with particular responsibility for management of the district’s $300 million budget, hiring of its 4,000 employees, and successful passage of a $250 million bond to build 13 new schools.

Together, Kim, Tracy and Chad formed KTC Consulting Group. KTC Consulting is a Cowdell & Woolley company.

Tracy Cowdell

    Tracy is partner in the law firm Cowdell & Woolley PC, earning his juris doctorate from Brigham Young University’s J. Reuben Clark Law School. For the past 13 years, he has represented governmental entities, practiced criminal law, and provided counsel for various private individuals and corporations. Tracy currently represents Sandy Suburban Improvement District and the South Valley Wastewater Treatment Facility. He recently was recognized, along with his law firm, by the Unified Police Department of Greater Salt Lake for his “service and resolve in the pursuit of justice.” He is the appointed city attorney for the City of Taylorsville.

Kim Horiuchi

    Kim is a communications and public relations professional. During her career, she has worked at the Intermountain Bureau of the Associated Press and at every daily newspaper in northern Utah, including the Deseret News, The Salt Lake Tribune, Ogden Standard-Examiner and the Logan Herald Journal. Most recently, she was an associate editor at the University of Utah’s Continuum magazine, where her long-form journalism was recognized by the Council for Advancement and Support of Education. She makes a point of being involved in her own community and recently was honored by Cottonwood Heights City for “Excellence as a Community Partner.”

Chad Woolley

    Chad is also partner in the law firm Cowdell & Woolley PC. He is an expert in information technology and software engineering. Before receiving his juris doctorate from Brigham Young University’s J. Reuben Clark Law School, Chad completed his undergraduate work in computer systems, earning a bachelor’s of science degree in design engineering technology from BYU. After graduating, he founded his own computer company, Advanced IT Solutions Inc. He is also owner of the computer software company, Case Management Systems. Chad is currently the appointed County Attorney for Daggett County and the appointed city attorney for the City of Ephraim.